And just when you thought xmas had come early and you'd already had all your presents, it gives me very great pleasure to offer you something a little bit extra for your stockings....
Daquta (aka DJ Samu44) got in touch recently asking if I'd mind if he made a best-of mix of his own, using selections from the various tracks that have appeared on the baroquedub mixtapes. Got to say I was honoured that someone cared enough to be that much of a fan! It's something I'd thought about doing many times, but never actually got round to doing...
The result is a truly inspired journey of epic dub proportions. Some of the tracks you'll have heard here before, others are new to me (exactly what the best mixtapes are all about!) and all are pure quality.
On its own merits this selection comes highly recommended to all baroquedub listeners but it's even more amazing when you find out that Daquta is none other than an 11 year old DJ from Norway. Nuff respect!
[go to Daquta's website for the tracklist ] And watch out for The Best of BaroqueDub Vol.2 which I'm told is coming out very soon...
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